Why Design Thinking is Important for Business?


Imagine if there was a sure-fire technique to create flawless products while also ensuring customer satisfaction. That would very certainly result in all businesses becoming successful, resulting in an infinitely competitive marketplace. While there is no specific formula for designing such user-friendly products today, the design thinking approach comes close to assisting businesses in doing so.

Although design thinking may appear to be a current buzzword, it has actually altered how businesses approach issue-solving. In terms of recognizing difficulties and providing refined solutions to better understand user behavior, this human-centric design methodology has been a game changer.

Consider this your one-stop shop for all things design thinking. Continue reading to learn what design thinking is, how it can help, why it works, and how you can start utilizing it at work.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking may appear to be a strategy only utilized by designers. In actuality, design thinking is an effective problem-solving strategy.

Overall, design thinking is a creative problem-solving method that aims to put you in the shoes of the people for whom you are addressing problems. Some people use different techniques, but most design thinking can be broken down into five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

Most individuals believe that design thinking is exclusively applicable to the design sector. However, design thinking approaches are now employed across a wide range of industries, including technology, finance, retail, and entertainment, as well as hospitality and even healthcare. Samsung, Uber, Netflix, Apple, Microsoft, Starbucks, Nike, and Airbnb are just a few examples of organizations that embrace design thinking to promote innovation.

One significant advantage of design thinking is that it introduces technical and business constraints into your work. Aside from considering what the end-user requires, it pushes you to accomplish the best you can with the resources you have. It reduces high notions and forces people to focus on viable and accessible answers.

Importance of Design Thinking

Design thinking empowers businesses to build long-term value for their customers. The method can be used to any complex system, not simply design systems.


1. It aims to provide a human-centric approach to problems

Using an observational, human-centric approach, teams can identify consumer pain areas that they had not previously considered, and that the consumer may not even be aware of. Once discovered, design thinking can propose solutions to those problem issues.

2. It can tackle the most difficult problems

Consumers frequently do not know what problem they have that needs to be solved or are unable to articulate it. However, with careful observation, one can discover difficulties based on what they see from genuine consumer behavior rather than simply working off of their preconceived notions of the consumer. This aids in the definition of ambiguous problems, making it easier to surface solutions.

3. It can pinpoint unknown problems

Humans are unable of conceptualizing things that are not thought to be feasible, hence they cannot request things that do not yet exist. Design thinking can assist bring to light some previously undisclosed pain spots that would otherwise go unnoticed. Taking an iterative approach to problem-solving often results in non-obvious, inventive solutions.

4. It enables business growth

Rather than spending a lengthy time investigating a problem without coming up with a solution, design thinking advocates making prototypes and then testing them to evaluate how effective they are.

Stages of the Design-Thinking Process

At its core, the design thinking approach is all about user-centered design. To design a personalised solution, the user’s journey, motivations, and pain points are present at all stages of the process.


1. Empathize

To effectively address the difficulties at hand, it is critical to empathize with the target audience and understand their requirements.

This phase encourages you to observe and interact with clients in order to discover their expectations and identify underlying issues. Surveys and qualitative interviews are two approaches to start empathizing with customers.

2. Define

The next phase is to collect and analyze data gathered during the ’empathize’ stage in order to precisely establish the underlying problem statement. A good problem statement should be considered more as a human objective than a corporate goal. This will aid in outlining the real issue before moving on to the brainstorming stage.

3. Ideate

It is time to produce ideas now that you have a clear picture of your target audience and their expectations, as well as a properly defined problem statement. This stage entails brainstorming and researching creative solutions to the problem statement.

4. Prototype

The goal of this experimental phase is to identify the optimal solution for each identified problem. It is accomplished by the use of scaled-down replicas of the concept, often known as prototypes, which are tested on users. Based on the input, you can make modifications and design goods that best fit the demands of your clients.

5. Test

Once the final prototype is complete, it is time to put it to the test by observing how the target audience interacts with the product and what feedback they provide. It is still an interactive stage in which you may go back and make changes to ensure the final solution aligns with overall user feedback.


The primary purpose of the design thinking approach is to create goods or services with real-world users in mind. When this essential design framework becomes ingrained in the company culture, it immediately promotes improved collaboration, teamwork, creativity, and innovation.

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A British National currently based in Dubai & London, Amit brings on board over 15 years of international experience in business development, marketing, E-commerce, and strategy.